Monday, November 28, 2016

On this first Monday after Thanksgiving 2016 there's a lot to think about and a lot of planning to do and actions to take. First, please note that because people of conscience should not engage in free advertising for Trump, his name will rarely be uttered here. Instead we will refer to "The D" or to DJT (Donald John Trump).

The D's handlers are having a very public and undiplomatic fight over who we will be saddled with (by them) as Secretary of State. His handlers can't handle him or themselves! And The D will have control of the nuclear codes and of the well-being of this entire nation! Wow! Of course, he probably will turn over those responsibilities to others because he has fact-free twitter tantrums to take. He can't be bothered with intelligence briefings; Pence is said to be participating in those. Can this be further evidence of what some suspect is The D's aversion to intelligence? Inquiring minds want to know.

Most of The D's tweets are diversions that set the media off on wild goose chases while he and his minions carry on and appoint or plan to appoint some of the least qualified,least experienced,least knowledgeable,least balanced bunch of amateurs and/or extremists to cabinet positions and positions in the White House with little scrutiny from the tweet chasing hordes. That said, The D's tweets suggesting that the popular vote was stolen from him deserve follow-up. While the Russians may not have hacked the vote, voter suppression may have skewed votes in his favor. So let's make sure that there is a real and thorough recount in every state if possible,and of every vote cast in whatever form it was cast. Special attention should be paid in states, such as North Carolina, where voter suppression measures were/are in place.

Let The D prove his claim that the popular vote was stolen from him. We can help by volunteering to help with the vote counting. We owe it to our fellow countrywomen and men and The D deserves it.
We cannot afford to go along with business as usual.

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