Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Victory !

On August 18,2010, the families, staff, board, friends and supporters of the Grand Street Settlement Child and Family Center, Bushwick, Brooklyn scored a victory when the NYC Agency for Children's Services rescinded the closeout of the Center.

As a result of this victory, 160 children from low-income families will continue to have access to affordable and quality child care and 40+ staff members will continue to have jobs.

Achieving this victory required belief in a cause AND strategic thinking, determination, persistence, creativity, effective networking, relationship-building, strong community organizing, political savvy, constant vigilance, and relentless pursuit of a just outcome. We built a coalition of parents, staff, board members, a union, advocates, elected officials, and friends and supporters.

This was a true "David vs Goliath" story. I don't think there were many people betting on "David". The road was long, the terrain was rough, the "opposition" was very determined, there were obstacles and detours and false starts and setbacks AND we prevailed.

I believe we prevailed because our cause was just, our focus was clear, our determination was strong, and our commitment was unwavering.

On a personal note - this was an a challenge I could not walk away from; surrendering was not an option; allowing another budget to be balanced on the backs of those perceived as powerless was not acceptable. I had a firm belief that "people of conscience and good will" could be rallied in support of a just cause; I was not disappointed.

The Grand Street Settlement team is awesome! It is an honor to be its leader.

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